
大會章程 (英)



1. Name and Address

The name of the association shall be: PERSATUAN SISWAZAH-SISWAZAH TAIWAN, PULAU PINANG

The meeting place of the Association shall be at the Chung Ling High School Union Penang, Anson Road, Penang and its Registered Office shall be 2Q, Lorong Delima Tiga, Island Glades, Pulau Pinang.

2. Emblem

a. The parallelogram stands for Mortarboard. It suggests that the graduates are all professional men.
b. The flywheel symbolizes a big wheel turning towards modern time.
c. Blue stands for solemnity and sincerity, the white background stands for peace and justice, the orange stands for enthusiastic and vitality.
d. Conclusion: With their professional qualifications, all the Taiwan graduates will solemnly, truthfully and enthusiastically push forward the big wheel towards the modern time.

3. Objects

a. To foster friendship, to liaise and to promote unity and cooperation among members.
b. To uphold the prestige and reputation of Taiwan Universities and Colleges.
c. To promote prosperity and harmony of the society
d. To promote educational, recreational and welfare activities that are beneficial to the members.
e. To facilitate liaison among other similar Associations.


4. Membership

Members shall be classified as ordinary members, associate members and life members.

a. Ordinary membership shall be opened to those who are alumni of Taiwan Universities or Colleges.
b. Associate membership shall be opened to those who are related to Taiwan Universities and Colleges.
c. A Life Member shall be an ordinary member who subscribes at any time a sum of one hundred dollars.


5. Every application for membership shall be made in writing on a prescribed form, duly completed, together with the Entrance Fees and first yearly subscription to the Secretary of the Committee. The Secretary shall then put up the application form on the notice board, and, if for a minimum period of one week, nobody objects the application, the committee shall at the earliest possible meeting approve the application.

6. No reason whatsoever shall be given for any application that has been denied.

7. A membership card will be given to member whose membership has been accepted and whole entrance fees and annual subscription have been paid.

8. Replacement of lost membership card can be made through application in writing together with a fee of $2/-. The Secretary of the Committee shall then take appropriate action to treat the lost card as being cancelled.


9. Entrance fee shall be $2/- each.

10. Annual subscription:

a. Ordinary member shall pay $10/- each.
b. Associate member shall pay $6/- each.
c. An ordinary member who at anytime subscribes $ 100/- shall be made a life member and shall be exempted from annual subscription.

11. The committee may raise fund in any legal way in the event of financial difficulty of the Association.

12. However, donation shall only be accepted subject to ratification of the committee.
13. Yearly subscriptions shall be payable on or before the end of March every year.
14. The committee shall have the right to deprive the membership of any member whose arrears of subscription is not paid within thirty days after the reminder has been sent.
15. In order to resume membership that was cancelled according to para. 14, written explanation together with the arrears shall be submitted to the committee for perusal prior to approval.
16. Subject to unforeseen circumstances, any member may appeal in writing to the committee for temporary exemption of annual subscription.


17. The supreme authority of the Association is vested in a general meeting of the members. The committee shall after the general meeting carry out the resolutions passed during the general meeting.

18. A committee of fifteen members shall be elected every two years by poll among ordinary and life members at the general meeting. The elected committee shall within 2 weeks after the general meeting convene to

a. elect:

One President
One 1st Vice President
One 2nd Vice President
One Secretary
One Assistant Secretary
One Treasurer
One Assistant Treasurer
Seven Committee Members

b. Nominate:
Note more than six committee members, (depending on the composition of the members representing the various universities/colleges in the elected committee).

19. All members of the Committee and every officer performing executive functions in the Association shall be Malaysian Citizens.

20. The committee may from time to time nominate a number of members, each to form a sub-committee to organize functions such as social affairs, recreation, professional advice and assistance, enterprise development, education and such other activities which the committee from time to time deems beneficial to the members.

21. The Chairman of the sub-committee may as he/she deems necessary appoint a number of members to facilitate and assist the activities within the group.

22. The committee shall have the power as it deems necessary to appoint organizing, financial, legal and any other advisers.

23. The committee may recommend any number of permanent honorary presidents for sanction in general meeting.

24. The committee shall have the authority to nominate any Ex-Presidents of the Association, the Chancellors/Principals of Taiwan Universities or Colleges; and any other meritorious personnel to be honorary Presidents.


25. The jurisdiction of the general meeting shall be:

a. To supplement and amend the constitution of Association.
b. To elect committee members and to appoint an Auditor.
c. To elect trustees when necessary.
d. To remove from office any committee member or trustee for being irresponsible during his term of office or violating the constitution of the Association.
e. To deal with any other important matters concerning the Association.
f. To review and approve the Treasurer’s statement of account and the audited accounts of the Association for the previous fiscal year.

26. The jurisdiction of the committee shall be:

a. To nominate and appoint honorary presidents, organizing, legal and financial advisers in accordance with the constitution.
b. To elect and nominate the committee members as specified in article 18 (a) and (b).
c. To discuss and manage the functions of the Association.
d. To nominate sub-committee chairman in accordance with the constitution.
e. To review and/or ratify the proposals or plans submitted by respective sub-committees.
f. To execute all the resolutions concluded in the general meeting.
g. To peruse and approve the application for membership.

27. The President shall keep the official stamp and/or seal of the Association, he shall be convener and Chairman of the general and committee meetings. He shall also manage all the activities of the Association, and shall act for the Association, and shall act for the Association in all aspects.

28. The 1st Vice President shall assist the President in undertaking his duties and act for the President during his absence.

29. The 2nd Vice President shall assist the President and 1st Vice President on the same line as above and shall act on behalf in the absence of the 1st Vice President.

30. The Secretary shall conduct the business of the Association, he shall also endorse all the vouchers for payment, convene committee members for meeting, and make reports during general and committee meetings.

31. Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary in all his activities and act for him during his absence.

32. The Treasurer shall manage the financial transaction of the Association, he shall make payment for bills endorsed by the Secretary, and he shall during committee or general meeting, present accounts statement.

33. The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in all his functions and act for him during his absence.

34. The Auditor who shall not be office-bearer of the Association shall be appointed by the Annual general meeting. He shall be responsible for auditing the accounts of the Association and endorse the acceptance audited accounts.

35. The ordinary committee members shall be obligated to assist the committee in all functions of the Association.


36. A minimum of five trustees, who must be over 21 years of age, shall be appointed in the annual general meeting, when the Association acquires any immovable property. The management of all immovable properties whatsoever, belonging to the Association is vested on the trustees, provided that the trustees manage the properties according to proper legal procedure.

37. The trustees shall not sell or transfer any property of the Association without the prior consent and authority of a general meeting of members.

38. A trustee may be removed from office by the General Meeting if he is unable to carry out his duties, or due to either an unsound mind or body, or for any other reasons, he is unable to perform his duties satisfactorily. In the event of death or termination of a trustee, the vacancy shall be filled as soon as possible by a new trustee elected in a general meeting.

39. The term of office of the trustees shall be four years. All trustees shall be eligible for reelection.


40. The term of office of all committee members, Honorary Presidents and all advisers shall be 2 years respectively. They shall all be eligible for reelection.


41. All General Meetings shall be convened on or before 31st of March every year.
42. Forty two members or one third of the total number of registered ordinary and life members of the Association whichever is less shall be the minimum quorum of a general meeting to be valid for its proceeding.
43. An extra ordinary meeting shall be convened provided:

a. The committee of the Association deems it desirable, or
b. At the joint written request of not less than forty-two members of the Association. The Chairman of the proposed meeting shall dismiss such meeting if any of the requestors fails to attend the meeting. (And in such a case, any request of extraordinary meeting for the same purpose shall not be considered until after at least 3 months thereof).*

44. Committee members’ meeting shall be held at least once bimonthly. However, a meeting of committee members shall be convened at any time as the President or Secretary deems necessary.

45. In order that the committee meeting be valid for its proceeding, a quorum of half of the committee members to be present at the meeting is mandatory.

46. Notice of a general meeting must be published at least 14 days before such a meeting is held in any of the Chinese Newspapers of if necessary in any other newspaper of any medium.

47. The time, date and venue of general meetings shall be decided by the committee.

48. Notice of the committee members’ meeting shall be served one week before the meeting is convened.

49. For all the above meetings as specified in Chapter 9, if the number of members present is not sufficient to constitute a quorum, the meetings shall be adjourned to a later date not exceeding 30 days unless otherwise stated. And at the said adjourned meeting, the members present shall have the authority to proceed with the meeting irrespective of the number of members assembled. However, the general meeting with insufficient quorum shall have no power whatsoever to amend the constitution of the Association or make resolution to the detriment of the members of the Association.


50. All members should observe the following obligations:-

a. To pay all fees specified in the constitution accordingly.
b. To abide by the constitution and resolution made.
c. To attend meetings in good time.
d. To uphold the Association.
e. To support all activities organized by the Association.

51. Ordinary and life members shall have the following privileges:

a. Elective franchise
b. To stand for election
c. To voice opinions
d. To cast votes
e. To be entitled to all other privileges and benefits as provided in the constitution.

52. Associate members shall have all privileges and benefits as provided in article 51 except article 51 (a) and (b).


53. The Treasurer may at any one time hold a sum of not more than $200/-. All money in excess of this amount shall within 3 days upon receipt be deposited under the name of the Association in a bank as decided by the committee.
54. All cheques on the accounts of the Association shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by either the President or Secretary. The seal or stamp of the Association shall be affixed onto the cheques.
55. The Treasurer shall have power to approve an expenditure of $200/= or less, any expenditure exceed of $200/= but not exceeding $500/= shall only be authorized by the joint signature of the Treasurer and the President or Secretary. The committee shall have the right to authorize any expenditure not exceeding $2,000/=. Any expenditure that incurs more than $2,000/= shall only be decided in a general meeting.
56. Vouchers without the signature of the Secretary shall be considered as being unauthorized.


57. The following activities shall be strictly prohibited in the Association:

a. Gambling in any form, particularly;
b. Hiding of contrabands
c. To violate the right of freedom, reputation and benefits of others
d. To retain any convicted person
e. Any form of violence whatsoever
f. Political gathering and activity.
g. All other accusable acts.
h. The association shall not have any connection or affiliation with any other association or body established outside Malaysia.


58. Any member who contravenes the constitution of the Association or the resolutions made, or being detrimental to the reputation of the Association, shall be, after full investigation by the committee, given stringent warning or expelled from the Association.

59. Any member expelled by the committee shall have the right to appeal to the general meeting through the committee within thirty days. The decision of the general meeting shall be final.


60. The constitution of the Association shall take effect immediately after being assented in the general meeting and approved by the Registrar of Societies.

61. The constitution shall only be supplemented or amended with the approval of a general meeting. Such supplements or amendments shall only take effect from the date of their approval by the Registrar of Societies.

62. The Association shall abide by the law of the country in pursuing the objects as mentioned in article 3.


63. A general meeting of proposed dissolution shall only be held with the joint written request of at least one third of the total ordinary and life members. The Association may be dissolved only by a resolution of not less than two third of the members present in the above general meeting.

64. In the event of the Association being dissolved as provided above, all legal debts and liabilities of the Association shall be fully discharged and the remaining fund and assets if any, shall be disposed off in such a manner as may be decided upon by the general meeting.

65. Notice of dissolution will be given in writing by the committee within 14 days after dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.


66. In between general meetings, the committee shall have the power to interpret the provisions in the constitution and to determine matters which are not explicitly provided in the constitution until and unless countermanded by a resolution made in the general meeting.


1. Chapter 4, Clause 10 (c)

This clause should now read “any ordinary member who at anytime subscribed $30/- shall be made a life member and shall be exempted from annual subscription.”

2. Chapter 1, Clause 1

This clause now read “The name of the Association shall be: Persatuan Siswazah-Siswazah Taiwan Pulau Pinang. The meeting place of the Association shall be at the Chung Ling High School Union Penang, Anson Road, Penang and its registered office shall be Room 204, 2nd Floor, Malayan Banking Chambers, 9 Union Street, Penang, G.P.O. Box 1026, Penang.”

3. Chapter 5, Clause 18 (a)

The word “seven” in this clause should now read “eight”.

4. Chapter 6, Clause 25 (b)

This clause should now read “To elect committee members and to appoint an Auditor and an Assistant Auditor”.

5. Chapter 6, Clause 34

This clause should now read “The Auditor and the Assistant Auditor who shall not be office bearers of the Association shall be appointed by the annual general meeting. The will be responsible for auditing the accounts of the Association and endorse the acceptable audited accounts. The assistant Auditor shall assist the Auditor in all his functions and act for him in the absence of the Auditor”.

6. Chapter 8, Clause 40

This clause should now read “The term of office of all committee members, Auditors and Assistant Auditor, Honorary Presidents and all advisers shall be 2 years respectively. They shall all be eligible for reelection”.

Signed by

Goh Nai Kooi

Dr. Kang Chin Seng

Dated this ………………………



Chapter 1, Clause 1 shall be amended to read as follow:

“The name of the association shall be: Persatuan Siswazah-Siswazah Taiwan, Pulau Pinang. The registered address shall be 50-C, 3rd Floor, Jalan Argyll, 10050 Penang. G.P.O. Box 1026, 10830 Penang, or at such other place or places as may from time to time be decided on by the Committee. Its registered address shall not changed without the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies.”

Chapter 12, Clause 57(h) shall be deleted.

The Association shall not have any connection or affiliation with any other association or body established outside Malaysia.


Chapter 8, Clause 40 shall be amended to read as follow:

The term of office of all committee members, Honorary Presidents and all advisers shall be 2 years respectively. They shall all be eligible for reelection except the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer who shall not be elected for a third consecutive term for the same office.
